

Cyber Bullying & Peer Pressure

Capital Choice Youth Counselling

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Teen Bullying FAQs

Teen bullying is a type of aggressive behaviour that is intentional, repeated, and involves an imbalance of power between the perpetrator and victim.

Bullying can take many forms, including physical, verbal, social, and cyberbullying. It often occurs in a peer group setting and can seriously affect the victim’s mental health and well-being.

Bullying behaviours include things like spreading rumours, exclusion, name-calling, physical assault, and online harassment. It is important to take steps to prevent and address teen bullying, and to provide support to victims and perpetrators alike.

There are several reasons why teenagers may become bullies. These can include jealousy or envy of other’s talents or friendships, a desire to feel in control, a lack of self-esteem, anger management issues, narcissistic tendencies, and trying to get attention when feeling isolated or lonely.


It is important to note that bullies can come from any background or level of education, and they often bully with the help of a group of peers.

Signs of teen bullying may include


  • unexplained injuries
  • missing or damaged belongings
  • changes in appetite or physical complaints
  • avoiding school or social activities
  • reduced interest in school or poor grades
  • exhibiting anxious or withdrawn behaviours.

It’s important to talk to your teen if you notice any of these signs and determine if they are experiencing any type of bullying behaviour.

If your teen is being bullied, you should listen to them, contact the school, document the incidents, seek professional help if needed, and encourage self-care.


Providing support is important, as bullying can seriously affect your teen’s mental health and well-being.

If you find out your teenager is bullying others, talk to them and make it clear the behaviour needs to stop.


You can contact the school, consider seeking professional help, monitor their behaviour, and work together to come up with a plan to prevent the behaviour from happening again.


Addressing the behaviour is important, as bullying can seriously affect everyone involved.

Counselling can help teenagers cope with bullying by providing a safe space to process their feelings and learn coping strategies. A trained therapist may use techniques like role-playing, mindfulness, and cognitive-behavioural therapy to improve communication, self-esteem, and overall mental health.

Through bullying therapy, teens can gain tools to navigate these challenges and improve their well-being.

Contact Ottawa Youth Counselling to learn more about how we can help if your teen is a victim of bullying.

Counselling can effectively address teenage bullying by identifying underlying issues and developing alternative strategies. A trained therapist may use techniques like cognitive-behavioural therapy to improve communication and emotional management and promote empathy.


With guidance, teens can learn to treat others with respect and become positive influences in their communities.


Contact Ottawa Youth Counselling to learn more about how we can help if your teen is perpetrator of bullying.