Back to School 2021 – Helping Your Kids Adjust



Are you and your kids ready for getting back to school? Lockdowns have been a challenge for families and children for nearly two years now, with their regular routine being completely upended.


Parents had to figure out how to balance work with helping the children study at home, while also having to deal with worries about the pandemic.


Having spent over a year learning remotely, many children and teens have found themselves anxious to return back to school, just as they were beginning to adjust to the online model.


While many kids see going back to school as an opportunity to reconnect with friends, show off their new clothes and learn new things, some are hesitant to return. They now see their home as a safe haven from all the stressors and potential dangers of the outside world, and leaving that bubble can be unnerving.


Thankfully, with the world seeming to return back to normal, or as close as we can get to it, parents and children alike are able to return to school and work. If you’re unsure how to help your children adjust to going back to school, the following tips are sure to set you on the right path.


Prioritize Mental Health With The “New Normal”

shutterstock_1675256449Each child reacts to situations differently, which is why it’s important that parents encourage their kids to share their feelings and speak up if they’re feeling down.


The pandemic may have caused children to feel disconnected from their peers and friends, although they were also allowed the chance to learn more about themselves and experience personal growth.


Going back to school as a new person and being uncertain as to what to expect can cause irrational fears to arise. Support and motivate your child to express any worries, making sure to reassure them that everything will be alright and that you’re there for them at all times.


After the first few weeks, your child should have adapted to the school environment. However, if you continue to notice them acting strangely, the issue may not be stress because of the pandemic, rather they might be getting bullied or having trouble with the curriculum.


How To Help With Online Learning

It’s incredibly easy for children, or anyone for that matter, to get distracted while being on a smart device.


With online learning being introduced since the start of the pandemic, some children found it hard to concentrate on their lessons and schoolwork while being behind the screen.



Without effective support for children from their parents, kids may start to fall behind in their studies. To make sure your child is learning in the best way possible, start by dedicating a specific learning space.


At school, kids had classrooms that act as a safe learning space. Whether you have a study or office at home, devote a part of that area for online classes and make sure to include all the tools they may need to succeed.


Just like school gives the students breaks in between classes, it’s essential that you give your child mental breaks. This will allow them to have a semblance of normalcy and will make them feel rejuvenated and motivated to continue learning.


Socialization is crucial for a child’s development. At school, they learn how to interact with one another and work together as teams.


These invaluable skills are going to be carried into their adult life, which is why they shouldn’t be closed off from everyone. Set up playdates with friends over video calls and plan activities that each child can do from their own home.


Help Your Child Adjust With Going Back To School

Has your child been feeling anxious or worried about going back to school after spending the last couple of years at home?


The effects of the pandemic have not yet worn off, and we’re left having to adjust to our new normal. It’s important to encourage your child to reach out if they’re feeling overwhelmed or concerned.


Our therapists at Ottawa Youth Counseling are here to help you and your family navigate these unusual times. Your child’s growth all depends on the connection between your child and your counselor, which is why we make it our top priority to find the perfect counselor.


Reach out to us to learn more about how we can help your child adjust to school and book your appointment today.