Finding Strategies to Deal With the Back-to-School Blues

Finding Strategies to Deal With the Back-to-School Blues

Back-to-school is often a very exciting time for students – a time when they can see their friends again, show off their new wardrobe, and take the new classes that they have been looking forward to since the summer. But school can also be a time when a young person’s depression, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder...

How is Sleep (or Lack Thereof) Affecting Your Life?

How is Sleep (or Lack Thereof) Affecting Your Life?

Do you have trouble sleeping? Have you found yourself tired and lethargic at school? Unable to focus in class? “Dragging” by the end of the day, or sooner? If so, you’re not alone. A recent study found that 75% of young adults aren’t getting enough sleep. You’ve probably heard people (parent and teachers) tell you...

Understanding Social Media Addiction

Understanding Social Media Addiction

It is a simple fact that human beings seek dopamine release. The ‘pleasure chemical’ in our brains, dopamine is associated with joy, euphoria, excitement; and is the cornerstone of every addiction. Drugs, alcohol, and gambling are restricted to adults because youth are known to not have the required coping mechanisms to approach those things responsibly. The...