The Importance of Early Intervention in Youth Addiction

The Importance of Early Intervention in Youth Addiction

Youth addiction is a problem that needs immediate attention and efficient intervention techniques, like counselling. Peer pressure, emotional upheaval, and experimentation are just a few of the difficulties that adolescents face at this sensitive time. Sadly, these elements occasionally can contribute to the emergence of addictive behaviours or problems with substance misuse. Youth addiction counselling...

What You Need to Know About Bipolar Disorder

What You Need to Know About Bipolar Disorder

Perhaps you or a loved one has been suffering inexplicable bouts with frequent changes in mood, energy levels, and function. Why? It could be bipolar disorder. 1% of Canadians will experience bipolar disorder and encounter the aforementioned changes in mood and beyond.  Okay, so lots of Canadians experience bipolar disorder – but what is it?...

Short Days & The Psychological Effect On Teens

Short Days & The Psychological Effect On Teens

While it might seem silly to some, it is well documented that sunlight is a large influencer on the mental health of people young and old alike. The common term for when you start to feel blue when hours of sunlight begin to drop in the winter months is Seasonal Affective Disorder.   Studies have...

Youth Depression: What to Know and How to Help

Youth Depression: What to Know and How to Help

“Feeling blue” or feeling “down in the dumps” is a normal part of being a teenager. There are many moments in one’s adolescence when they experience upsets or moments of sadness. Experts remind us that adolescence can be a very unsettling time and teens can be faced with an array of physical, emotional, psychological and...

What Yelling Does to A Child (and How to Stop It)

What Yelling Does to A Child (and How to Stop It)

Yelling. We’ve all been there. At one point or another, our frustration levels peak high on (or off!) the charts. Sometimes it’s a gradual climb to that place. At other times, it’s a rapid spike. Why? After all, at heart, we don’t want to yell. We don’t feel good about yelling, at least not afterward....

How Kids Learn to Be Helpless

How Kids Learn to Be Helpless

Many kids who struggle at school do so not because they are incapable of success, but because they have learned to believe that they are. This is a psychological phenomena known as Learned Helplessness; a sense of powerlessness that we often develop at a young age as a result of traumatic events, or persistently failing to succeed at a particular tasks.  ...

Managing Ottawa Youth ADHD

Managing Ottawa Youth ADHD

There is very little knowledge, and far too much opinion, about ADHD in the western world. Stigma follows the diagnosis, and the proliferation of half or non-truths about its nature runs rampant. Most parents approach their child’s ADHD similar to a life sentence, and act as though accepting diagnosis means accepting that their children will never be...

Talking To Kids About Ottawa Counselling

Talking To Kids About Ottawa Counselling

Describing to a full-grown rational adult the benefits of counselling, and persuading them to engage with it, is difficult. Doing the same to a child or teenager, who has yet to fully develop rational capacities, can seem downright impossible. With the right perspective, this task can be made easier. Discover a few trick and tips...